Constrained BrainWriting

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Creativity Techniques
Consensus Mapping
Contradiction Analysis

Constrained BrainWriting

On a number of occasions you may want to constrain ideas around a pre-determined focus, rather than ranging freely. The versions described here use the standard Brainwriting pool technique, but bias the idea generation by using brain-writing sheets prepared in advance.

  1. Present starter ideas: The leader initiates the process by placing several prepared sheets of paper in the pool in the centre of the table (see note below).
  2. Private brainwriting: Each group member takes a sheet, reads it, and silently adds his or her ideas.
  3. Change sheet: When a member runs out of ideas or wants to have the stimulation of another’s ideas, s/he puts one list back in the centre of the table and takes one returned by another member. After reviewing this new list s/he has just selected, s/he adds more ideas.
  4. Repeat until ideas are exhausted. No discussion at any stage.

See BrainWriting